. . . And this is only my third post.
Let me be straight . . . blogging is hard! Way harder than I expected.
Never did I anticipate I would be thinking so much about my day, about my surroundings, about my activities. I found myself wondering "how will this look on my blog?" or "how can I can phrase this in a witty way?"
Truth be told, my life really isn't all that blog-worthy. Things never look on my blog like they do in my head (a key reason my stint as a wedding photographer was so short-lived).
And I'm really not all that witty. I have my rare moments of genius and I savor those for days after but I mostly rely on a self-deprecating sense of humor to get me by.
But that wasn't why I started to blog in the first place. Not to make my life look more flashy or perfect than it actually is. At it's heart, this blog was meant to be a sort of online journal, a form of blogtherapy, a public accountability that forces me to intentionally find the good and beautiful in each day.
Honestly, it is really difficult for me to live in the present. One of the things that most surprised me after graduating college was how daily life is. I was ready to go one adventure after another and change the world all the while. Instead I found myself sitting in front of a computer for 30+ hours a week, doing very little of either.
Fast forward a couple years and not much has changed. Life is still very daily. But I've discovered, often just in small glimpses, that it is in the daily that life is really lived.
That's why reason the tagline for my blog is "practicing the art of daily living." Because I think it really is both an art and a discipline to live in each day that we've been given. Yes, I do have dreams for my future (more about those later) but I don't want my dreaming to take away the day that I am currently living.
When I pulled out of my driveway on my way to work this morning, I had the phrase "vulnerability begets vulnerability" running through my head. My hope is this: that this blog will be a place where I can become vulnerable with my life and all its dailiness. Not something that constrains my life, but something that enriches it. And something that is an encouragement to those who read it, that together we can make it through this journey called life, one day at a time.
The Ish is Already Hitting the Proverbial Fan
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
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